Who am I?

Hello! My name is Alex Hong and I am a Chinese-Canadian computer programmer with a passion for web and game development (And web game development).

What in tarnation is a "goodiesohhi"?

Dating back to when I was a wee tyke, goodiesohhi is a handle I adopted for video games and it is comprised of the semantic elements "goodies", "oh!", and "hi.". Like a greeting but as a name!

Experience and Skills

Let's get to business. Having taken an interest in computers from a young age (after I realized hobby electronics was too expensive), I quickly took to playing video games and quite quickly after that, I found myself getting into game development

I started out tinkering with the Byond game engine (of Space Station 13 fame), following internet tutorials, learning some basic concepts in video game development.

10 year old goodies had a very loose understanding of what constituted a functional "video game".

When I discovered Meteor.js, a Node based platform for building dynamic web apps, I soon took took an interest in webapp development and the basics of computer networking.
Using Meteor, I built many multiplayer experiences ranging from clicking games to basic rpgs. From Meteor, I started regularly using Node.js for various personal projects.